Player Evaluations

In order to draft fair & equal teams, every 4th through 8th grade basketball player (returning & new) must be evaluated to determine their skill level. Each player will perform three offensive (shooting) & three agility (dribbling & defensive) drills.

The 2024 Winter League evaluation date is:

Saturday, December 2, West Chester Player Evaluations at West Chester East High School

Participants may stop by anytime between TBD

Evaluations will take 15-60 minutes depending on the number of players at any given moment. Feel free to arrive anytime in the timeframe defined above. 


So, what will happen during basketball player evaluations? Great question! Here is a step-by-step description...

  • Check-in at the Registration table 
  • Proceed to the jersey sizing table to determine and record player jersey size. Note: jersey and T-shirts run a bit small, so make sure jersey is loose when making final choice.
  • Proceed to the height station to measure and record player height.
  • Proceed to the gym to drop off your player for evaluation - your player will be evaluated by performing three agility and three shooting drills.


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